Respite Care

Respite Care

Diverse Care Respite Care offers in-depth personal assistance to care recipients unable to fulfill their daily needs.


The respite care program includes elements of our Personal Care, Personal Transport, and Domestic Help services. Our care workers can provide overnight respite assistance dependent on the required assistance plan of the care recipient. Assistance includes helping care recipients with showers, bathing, sponging, toileting, dressing and undressing, shaving, hair care, personal grooming, mobility in/ out of bed, sitting, transferring to commode or wheelchair or chair or vehicle, and prompting reminders for medication.

Enquiries about our services:

If you are a service provider interested in using our Diverse Care service to make service request referral or make a new service enquiry for your clients, please click the button below or fill out the Expression of Interest at the bottom of this page.




If you want to join this program, complete the below:

Expression of Interest

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