refugee woman standing in a garden smiling at camera

Youth Casework

The SMRC Youth Team provides support for young people on eligible visas to access social support, employment coaching and education in order to improve their wellbeing and life skills.


The Youth Education, Case Management & Employment Support Program can help participants become job-ready, build a resume and work with families to build stronger interpersonal relationships. Our program can provide advice on education or provide support to help you begin looking for work or to achieve your educational goals.

We provide the following services to youth migrants and refugees:

  • education services
  • one-on-one support
  • employment coaching
  • navigating social services.

Youth Casework provides one-on-one support for young people experiencing hardship. We support the young person to navigate services, access mental health services and Centrelink and Youth Allowance, support family relationships, access counselling and much more.

SMRC provides specialist, culturally-specialised support for young people within their first five years of settlement in Australia.

The Youth Education, Case Management & Employment Support Program is funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Social Services under the Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS) Program.


If you’re a service provider wishing to refer your client to this SMRC SETS intake program, complete the SETS Intake Referral Form.

If you want to join this program, complete the below:

Expression of Interest

Contact Person

Jesse B.

Senior Clinical Coordinator – Settlement and Casework
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