Suicide Prevention Initiative

This Initiative provides insights, practical skills and social connectedness to promote wellbeing for community members from migrant and refugee communities through sharing stories of resilience.

The Wellbeing and Self Care Podcast and Video series features various guests from the community, including community workers, sports players, international students, volunteers, artists, and university students.

This series delivered in English and guests share the small achievable strategies of self-care they implement to nurture their own wellbeing that enable them to meet challenges of settling into a new country.

The Wellbeing and Self Care series tell us their own strategies for dealing with the challenges they faced, and in some cases still face, in their settlement journey in the hopes of sharing what has worked, and what is possible. Through sharing their stories of settlement and resilience, we hope to highlight small personal achievable activities that listeners can adopt and implement and inspire listeners to care for their wellbeing while they work to achieve their goals.

Listen to all the episodes for FREE here.

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The Healthy Mind, Healthy Life (ذهن سالم. زندگی سالم.) Podcast has been designed to tackle mental health and wellbeing issues in a way that makes sense for people from Afghanistan as they settle into life in Australia.

The podcast seeks to bring to light mental health and wellbeing challenges people face at various stages in their lives, and to highlight the many supports available in the community.

The series has been developed as part of the Refugee, People Seeking Asylum and CALD Community Suicide Prevention Capacity Building Initiative, which draws on learnings from SMRC’s 30-year history of working with migrants and refugees and BPA’s clinical experience through delivery of evidence-informed suicide prevention initiatives.
The podcast is delivered in Dari and features a wide spectrum of representatives from across the community, including community leaders and role models, psychologists, religious scholars and community workers.

Listen to the episodes for FREE here.

Download the translated to English episode transcriptions:

If you are concerned for someone or would like to seek help for yourself, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 at any time. If you require an interpreter first contact TIS National on 131 450 and tell the operator your language and “Lifeline”

To find out more about mental health, please see a range of topics by clicking the link below
Mental health resources in Dari;

These resources have been developed as part of the Refugee, People Seeking Asylum and CALD Community Suicide Prevention Capacity Building Initiative. It is brought to you by the Southern Migrant and Refugee Centre (SMRC), Better Place Australia (BPA) and is supported by funding from South Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (SEMPHN) through the Australian Government’s PHN Program.

Contact Person

Mirwais M.
Bi-cultural Program Worker
T: (03) 9767 1900

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