
Become a member of SMRC and help us to ensure that migrants and refugees are enabled in achieving their goals and aspirations.

Our Vision

We will achieve our vision by ensuring that we are delivering programs that are innovative, inclusive, and impactful.

Our Values

At SMRC, our values determine the approach we will take in delivering on our vision and strategic goals, aim to live our culture and uphold our five key values in all we do.

  • Integrity | We are open, honest, and transparent, and consistently strive to do the right thing.
  • Compassion | We are inclusive and employ empathy, kindness, and a commitment to treating others as equals in all we do.
  • Accountability | We are individually and collectively responsible and hold each other and ourselves to account for our decisions, actions, performance, and behaviour.
  • Respect | We embrace diversity and we respect and value the rights, strength, opinions, and experiences of the individuals and communities with whom we work.
  • Excellence | We set and achieve ambitious goals and we take pride in the delivery of high-quality services that have a positive impact.

How We Achieve Success

Our success will be measured in 4 distinct strategic goals:

  1. We will improve the lives of Refugees and migrants by delivering evidence-based services that are
  2. We will achieve high standards of quality, safety, and excellence in all areas of our work.
  3. We will maintain a sustainable and accountable organisation through strong and robust governance.
  4. We will achieve sustainable growth by anticipating and responding to opportunities that will deepen and extend our impact.

Membership Benefits

Our members support the work of SMRC and help us in advocating with government for better policies on migrants and refugees while seeking funding for vital programs and services. By becoming a member, you will receive the following benefits:

  • Voting Rights at the SMRC Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  • Ability to be elected to Committee of Management.
  • Subscription to the SMRC newsletter.
  • Invitation to SMRC public events.
  • Opportunity to volunteer. (Subject to conditions)
  • Members Dinners and Events. (Charges will apply)


Fees for a 5-year membership are as follows (covers both new and renewing members):
Singles – $10 | Couples – $15 | Families – $20

Become a Member

To become a member of SMRC, please download and complete this form, and return it to

To renew your SMRC membership, please download and compete this form, and return it to

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