Volunteers appreciated in End of Year Party
Last Thursday, SMRC had the pleasure of hosting an end of year party for our volunteers. This was the first time we’ve been able to come together since the beginning of COVID. The room was filled with festive smiles and delicious food where we were able to thank our volunteers for all that they do for SMRC and the wider community.
Did you know that we have more volunteers than staff?! It goes to show that they are instrumental in allowing us to deliver the best quality programs we can. Across our STAR Homework Club, Social Support Groups, Learning Space English classes, Computer classes, corporate services, visiting programs and many more, our 160 dedicated volunteers spare time out of their lives to our community.

Volunteering makes a difference. It’s people like Ursula who received a 25 years of service award that embody the connection and passion it means to be a volunteer!
Volunteer with us today: https://smrc.org.au/volunteer-opportunities-at-smrc/