Rahmat was 12 when he moved with his family to Australia from Afghanistan via Pakistan. While life in Afghanistan with his family was simple, safety was a persistent concern.

He was living with his parents, two sisters and his grandparents, when his parents made the decision to leave.

When he was in Year 8, Rahmat joined SMRC’s Homework Club for some extra support with his studies. SMRC’s Homework Club is an initiative that helps secondary school and TAFE students by aiding with homework and providing career advice.

Seven and a half years later, Rahmat is studying a Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Law at university–but he still continues to pop into the Homework Club to encourage the students studying there and remains connected with SMRC staff.

Rahmat has learned a lot over his journey. He’s built resilience, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth. He’s developed a positive attitude towards life and doesn’t let anything get him down.

“I’ve no idea what the future holds for me. I hope to become somebody who helps others.”