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SMRC presents at FECCA national conference

SMRC was recently invited by the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia (FECCA) to share our experience of supporting a bicultural workforce through our Diverse Care business and Bicultural Services with audiences at their national conference, held in Melbourne.

people receiving recognition award


The UPF recognises Mr. Abdullahi Ibrahim

SMRC would like to congratulate Abdullahi Ibrahim on being recognised by the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) for his work in helping community youth and youths in custody over the last two years.

4 men at an awards ceremony


A Fabulous Night at the VMC Gala

On the 19th of March, four members of the SMRC Board; Mr. Malik Atif Mahmood (Chairperson), Mr. Ponniah Anandajayasekeram, Mr. Abdullahi Ibrahim, and Mr. Hafez Abdul Wahab, attended the Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC) Gala Dinner.

Swim Communications


We call on the Federal Government to help the people of Afghanistan

As an employer and support network of many Afghan migrants, and a supporter and advocate of people’s rights, we find the news of Afghanistan falling to Taliban control particularly distressing. We have already seen and heard so much in the short time since this occurred. We also know that the people will be under severe physical risk or affected in many other ways.

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