Community Visitors Scheme 30 Years of Friendship
The Community Visitors Scheme (CVS) aims to connect vulnerably and socially isolated older people to our culturally and linguistically diverse volunteers. SMRC volunteers provide connection via phone calls, digital and written communication as well as face-to-face. This companionship is not only vital to ensuring older people at risk of loneliness feel connected to the community but also enriches the volunteers life and sense of purpose. As long-time volunteer, Ederlynn, states, “[Volunteering] makes a difference. You let them know that someone cares for them. your time is precious to them.”
This year, in celebration of 30 years of CVS in Australia, a curated e-book titled “30 Years of Friendship” was created to capture the unique and special stories.

“This program encapsulates all that is good in humankind and reminds us all, that despite what challenges we may face, however busy we might all be, what matters most, is the positive difference, the joy, we can bring to other people’s lives with the simple gift of time, patience, and kindness.”
– Esis, CVS State Network Member – ACT, NSW and VIC