a woman in a headscarf and a man with a blue shirtpresenting to a room of three people

SMRC Bicultural Service

Creating Community Employment. Our staff are available to support your company to engage and connect with CALD communities.

Our multilingual bicultural staff use their cultural knowledge and lived experience to create connections and build engagement between you and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities.

Our staff are trained in the ethics and principles of bicultural work including cultural advocacy; bridging safety, bias and working across cultures. They can support your company by engaging with communities for you in many ways:

  • Assist with project work
  • Run focus groups,
  • Provide community language support for training or information sessions
  • Provide translation of relevant company information into language, eg Work Health and Safety flyers
  • Assist your company to become culturally aware

Our staff are available in person, online or via phone and all have current COVID vaccination certificates.

SMRC Bicultural Service is a Social Enterprise initiative of SMRC. We provide pre-accredited bicultural training and assist graduates to gain employment either externally or internally with our SMRC Bicultural team. We provide ongoing Professional Development for our bicultural staff.

Download the bicultural service rates here.
Download the service request form here and return to biculturalservice@smrc.org.au

If you want to join this program, complete the below:

Expression of Interest

Contact Person

Settlement Intake Team


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