two young adult students working together on a computer

Learning Space

SMRC’s Learning Space provides a welcoming environment where migrants and refugees can learn new skills, improve their English, and connect with the community.


About the Learning Space

The program offers a range of classes designed to help participants gain confidence, develop practical skills, and increase social inclusion. The Learning Space supports participants in:

  • Building new skills at their own pace
  • Improving English proficiency for daily life and work
  • Increasing confidence in communication and learning
  • Connecting with the community through group activities
  • Accessing further education and employment pathways

Classes are guided by experienced tutors who provide tailored support in a safe and inclusive environment.


Who can join?

This program is open to:

  • Humanitarian and refugee entrants
  • Partner and family visa holders (who have been in Australia for less than five years)


Classes offered

Learn to Crochet

  • Tuesdays: 12.30pm – 3.40pm
    Location: SMRC, Level 1
  • Cost: Free
  • Status: Open

English for Driving

  • Mondays: 10.00am – 12.00pm
    Location: SMRC, Level 1
  • Cost: $20 per term
  • Status: Open

Pre-accredited ACFE classes

Read and write English

  • Tuesdays: 10.00am – 12.30pm
    Location: SMRC, Level 1
  • Cost: $20 per term
  • Status: Full (5-month waitlist)

Everyday English

  • Wednesdays: 10.00am – 12.30pm
    Location: SMRC, Level 1
  • Cost: $20 per term
  • Status: Full (5-month waitlist)
Please note: If you are interested in joining a full class, you can register for the waitlist by completing the Expression of Interest form below.


This program is funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Social Services under the Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS) Program. The ACFE Program is funded by the Victorian Government through the Department of Education and Training.

Any donations received from fundraising efforts enable SMRC to offer additional places in our programs, extending beyond the scope of government-funded spots.


If you’re a service provider wishing to refer your client to this SMRC settlement program, complete the Settlement (SETS) Program Participation Intake Form.

If you want to join this program, complete the below:

Expression of Interest


Beginner English class

The program allows me to be part of a group. I like the teacher and volunteers as they are very helpful and understanding. They help me to learn English and start with the very basic information. The volunteers and teacher explain things very clear and helps me a lot. I am able to study and learn language and SMRC people has always encouraged and helped me to become more independent and learn. The program has helped me to communicate my daily needs. Now I can at least write my name and speak with others.

Beginner English class
Dil Jan Q.

Belong to a community and family

English classes and the teacher are very good, I can join an educational program that allows me to be part a community. The volunteers are very patient and do their best to explain things for us. The programs not only helped me to learn language but also improve my ability to communicate my daily need. I am able to go shopping, enjoy the daily conversation with people. I feel like a belong a community and family. I meet new people and I am able to enjoy daily life a lot more than before as I am able to communicate with others better than before. 

Belong to a community and family
Husnia R.

Computer skills

The people at SMRC are kind and good. I am happy to be able to study and learn language. I have learnt a lot from them and really like the class and group, I have got a lot of information from the class. It has helped me feel comfortable and SMRC has welcomed me to my country. I have improved my English and computer skills and I am able to get help with my school/tafe work.

Computer skills
Feriba N.

Contact Person

Settlement Intake team

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