two male young adults on campus smiling at camera

Chai Khana Men’s Group

SMRC’s Chai Khana (Tea House) Men’s Group is a social wellbeing program designed to provide men of all ages and cultural backgrounds with a safe and welcoming space to connect, relax, and build friendships.


About the Chai Khana Men’s Group

This social wellbeing program helps reduce social isolation and strengthens community ties through meaningful conversations and activities. The Chai Khana Men’s Group encourages open discussions on personal and community issues while fostering friendship and social inclusion. The program helps participants:

  • Build friendships and share life experiences
  • Access emotional and financial support when needed
  • Engage with community leaders through guest speaker sessions
  • Support each other in job search efforts
  • Discuss community needs and contribute to positive change
  • Reduce social isolation and promote mental wellbeing


Who can join?

  • Men of all ages and cultural backgrounds


When and where?

  • Every Friday (during the school term): 2.30pm – 5.30pm
    Location: SMRC, Level 1
  • Cost: $20 per term


If you’re a service provider wishing to refer your client to this SMRC settlement program, complete the Settlement (SETS) Program Participation Intake Form.

If you want to join this program, complete the below:

Expression of Interest

Contact Person

Settlement Intake team


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