elderly man with a carer looking at mobile

Access & Support

Our Access and Support Program assists older people and people living with a disability to navigate support services and access essential services.


Evidence shows that people from a culturally and linguistically diverse background are less likely to be aware of available support services and lack appropriate knowledge and/or information to navigate and access them. The Access and Support Program is designed to connect individuals with relevant information and empower them to make decisions on their own behalf.

 The Program supports individuals by: 

  • listening to their concerns and responding to their questions
  • helping them navigate services in order to find the best support available
  • advocating on behalf of the individual
  • connecting individuals to relevant services
  • eliminating stress and anxiety connected with lack of support
  • following up on individuals who’ve received Access and Support help in the past to ensure their needs have been met.

Individuals requiring access to services are referred via our intake program or through other service providers. Our team listens to your concerns, while helping you find and navigate services that suit your specific needs. We arrange support through in-person or over the phone consultation, and we keep in touch afterwards, so you know we are with you every step of the way.

The Access and Support Program is funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Health under the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP), and by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services through its Home and Community Care Program for Younger People (HACC PYP).

If you want to join this program, complete the below:

Expression of Interest


Service navigation support

I was given all the advice and help at that time when I didn’t know where to look. Whenever I call her, she never once turned me down or say I have no time, or I am busy. Godette was the one who guide me, advise me, even show me how to go into the computer and look for the care provider by comparing six or seven of them.

Service navigation support: John Lee
John L.

Contact People

Sanja G.

Specialised Support Services – Client Advocacy/Access & Support Worker

Godette M.

Specialised Support Services – Client Advocacy/Access & Support Worker

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