SMRC Refugee Week event attracts a crowd

1 July 2022
Springvale Lion Dance Group performs for the crowds
Dance Up Bollywood performers

More than 800 people shared in a celebration of culture and connection during a recent Refugee Week event held by SMRC.

Delivered in partnership with South East Community Links (SECL) and the City of Casey and supported by Melbourne City Football Club, the event showcased cultural dance, music, poetry and fashion.

Attendees engaged with 23 local services and community groups present on the day, including health, community and emergency services.

Local Federal Member Mr Julian Hill MP and SMRC’s Acting CEO Colin Solomon welcomed attendees to the Hampton Park event.

In welcoming attendees, Mr Solomon reiterated the theme for this year’s Refugee Week – healing with a focus on rejuvenation, harmony and connection.

“I can’t think of more relevant themes for this moment in time,” Mr Solomon said.

“Today is a celebration of coming together. We celebrate our differences, our similarities, our strengths and the positive contribution we each bring to our community. And we particularly celebrate the contributions and great value that refugees have brought with them as they’ve settled and become a part of our communities here in the City of Casey and across the state.”

The event was delivered with the support of the Department of Social Services through its Settlement Engagement and Transition Support Program.

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