Holiday Closure 2022

15 December 2022

It’s hard to believe that we find ourselves at the end of another busy and full year.  

While it’s fair to say that the year has thrown us a few challenges along the way, we are really proud at SMRC of what we have achieved, with more than 100,000 hours of service delivered across our 28 programs and social enterprises, and countless client stories featuring connection, growth and achievement. Sharing with you here our FY22 Annual Report.

But we couldn’t have done it without our partners and supporters. We have received much in-kind support throughout the year, and we’ve benefited greatly from our collaboration with individuals and agencies also committed to supporting migrants and refugees in the southeast of Melbourne. 

Thank you for helping us to do what we do. Wishing you and your loved ones a happy, healthy and joy-filled festive season from all of us at SMRC. 

We look forward to continuing to work with you throughout 2023. 

SMRC offices will be closed from 12 pm on Friday 23 December, reopening at 9 am on Monday 9 January. For urgent enquiries over this period (outside of public holidays), please call 0400 867 874.


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