Harmony Canvas unveiled for International Day of Peace

21 September 2022

For many years, SMRC have collated and unveiled Harmony Portrait Canvases. This popular hands-on activity gives the community a chance to draw a self-portrait or an interpretation of someone else’s portrait. The project brought people together, fostered positive self-reflection and created some great conversations and deep connections between family and friends. It also allowed us at SMRC to connect with the community.

Surrounded by the vibrant sounds and activities of this years Refugee Week Event in June, SMRC staff were excited to once again encourage everyone’s artistic abilities and gather a wide variety of portraits.

Event attendee poses with portrait that his partner (photographing him) drew.

SMRC are proud to unveil the Harmony Canvas today on the UN International Day of Peace. The Canvas collates dozens of beautifully unique portraits drawn at the event and reminds us of the beauty in diversity.

2022 Harmony Canvas

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